Top five business tips from our Jeuneora founder, Mon
September 10, 2021
Our Jeuneora founder, Monique Kaminski (better known as Mon), recently sat down with The Young Woman podcast to share her insights on all things business – from dealing with imposter syndrome to building an engaged community.
So whether you’re starting a business of your own or love hearing career advice from female founders, you can listen to the full episode here. Or, check out our top five takeaways from their chat below.
Dream big but take small steps to get there
Dreams are important! Mon’s first concept of the Jeuneora Skincare range was born in a cocktail bar on a sketchpad. It then took two years of hard work to develop and launch it. While she started Jeuneora with a single Marine Collagen Peptides supplement (our beloved Renew+), she always knew a skincare range was on the cards – it was just a case of tackling the smaller goals first.
Learn to pivot when things aren’t (and are) going well
No amount of pros and cons lists can stop us from making the wrong decisions sometimes, so treat unsuccessful ventures as learning curves (you’ll have to tune in to hear about the hemp range that didn’t go to plan!). On the other hand, be open to change when things are going well too. As Jeuneora grew, Mon and her business partner Meg found themselves stepping away from certain areas in the business and handing the reins to new team members with skill-sets better suited to those roles.
Celebrate the wins
Mon spends time reflecting on triumphs and failures and has a handful of journals filled with achievements and ideas for improvements. But Mon’s biggest win to date? The Jeuneora community. She knows the company wouldn’t be where it is without them.
Surround yourself with a strong network
Seek out other positive, ambitious people, especially other female entrepreneurs, and make time to build those connections. As women in business, they may be facing the same challenges as you.
Time management is key
Mon’s passion for Jeuneora led to many late nights spent working in bed, and she has since realised how much our work/play balance affects our wellbeing. She suggests making a habit of turning email notifications off when you clock off for the day and spending quality time with family and friends.
Bonus point! What’s the advice Mon wishes she knew starting out?
Do your research! “There are so many resources there to help you, so listen to podcasts and learn from people who inspire you. Also, you can’t look past the value of a comprehensive business plan – if you aren’t sure where to start with that one, Google can help,” says Mon.
And lastly, Mon’s secret to staying focused? A daily glass of Beauty Brain, of course.